Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Crunch Time

I took this photo while John and I were out on a nearby hike last week. Isn't it a beauty? Makes getting outside and enjoying exercise a little easier with a view like that!

It is crunch time this week: John has a final due on Sunday. Time constraints!

Also - a good test to see how we can adapt our lifestyle a bit so as to still make time for exercise and good sleep.

We had an awesome ten mile hike on Sunday morning - felt really good! It is starting to warm up out here in the desert...nevertheless, we survived.

Then, last night we went on a 3 mile run, when it was about 85 degrees. Too hot! John got sick, and we had to forfeit our evening strength training DVD after that. Oh well - the run counts! We are going to have to go back to doing morning runs before work and the DVD on our own time since I do not have time for both.

The scale has been telling us that we are losing a pound a week, all while gaining muscle. I am happy with this! I am down to the weight I was in high school. WOW.

We are not sure if we even have any readers, but if we do, would you cheer us on? Our goal is to get healthy this year. Specifically, we are targeting belly fat - and it is hard work. Me personally? I am getting ready for baby. We are going to try to start a family next year - and I want to have healthy habits. A daily routine of exercise that I stick to.

Here we GO!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Feeling Fit

Addie here. I did some reflection this week (on our fourth full one on the new health plan that John and I established for ourselves). I have to say that I am pretty amazed with our results so far.

There are some small weight loss numbers showing up on the scale - just the way we wanted to see it - slow and steady.

But what really surprised me? How I am feeling. More fit, strong, healthy.

The last time I felt this way was right before the NYC Marathon in 2008. It was my first marathon - and would not be my last! I had not done any kind of strength training to prepare for the race though - and now that I have been using weights for four weeks, I wish that I had!

The 30 Day Shred video is so effective because you are combining cardio with strength training. Toning and firming muscles feels good. I feel a difference in my arms and - hello - I did my first EVER real deal push-up!

So that is my thought of the day - strength training has been my missing link. I think before I was afraid of bulking up. But, as Gunnar Peterson puts it, "Big is from eating, that is a fact." I think I am hooked ;)

Have a great week all and make time for yourself and your health today!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 30: Treadmill, Movie, and 30 Day Shred Video

Because of my current work schedule, we switch from evenings to morning workouts on Wednesday.  So this morning, when the alarm went off (in the middle of a REM cycle for me....groggy), we forced ourselves to move.  I think we woke up part-way into the video.

First was back to the 30 Day Shred video by Jillian Michaels.  I am still modifying exercises that might cause me injury because of previous issues.  Let me assure you: you work your butt off.

Then I ran on the treadmill and watched the movie "XXX" (No, the PG-13 rated action movie starring Vin Disel, nothing HR inappropriate).

It really does make it easier to run.  I did a full half hour, mostly at 5 mph, and include 1.0 (starts at 0.0 on the treadmill).  It felt good to get that in.  I'm not sure precisely how much calories are burned in an hour of exercise, but the treadmill estimated over 300 in a half hour at that rate and incline.

Thanks for reading and take care of yourself!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 29: Exercise

Keeping it up.  I'll make the post short and sweet: we did a core video, and went for a family walk around a local island. 

Thanks for reading and take care of yourself!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 28: Strength/Cardio ... Shred video and running

Today, back to the regular mid-week routine: alternating video's and shorter runs.

We decided to run first.  There is a little trail loop by our house that we like for shorter runs.  You can go out on it a couple of ways for shorter, or slightly longer runs.  We did the loop that is about a half hour for us.

Then back for another round of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

I have decided to modify some of the exercises to consider my injury.  It means I'm not pushing quite as hard as they do on the video.  Some people wouldn't do that, and if you're un-injured, you would probably get a bit more out if it if you do really push yourself.  Since I just injured myself last week doing just that, I'm dialing it back a bit.  I'm still pushing myself in the sense that I'm getting up early in the morning to workout on days our schedule calls for that.

"There is a difference between muscle burn pain, and injury pain"

The important thing is to get the exercise, but you also need to listen to your body.  There is a difference between muscle burn pain, and injury pain.  The burn is good.  Throwing your back out = bad.

Thanks for reading and take care of yourself!

Running Tip: posture and form watching with a partner

Short running tip:

If you run with a buddy, (or your soul-mate) watch each for your running form and posture.  Especially if you run for long distances, any slouching, hunched shoulders, tightening hands, sloppy stride placement, etc, will be exaggerated.  The more physically tired you are, the more risk of bad form you have.

Thanks for reading and take care of yourself!

Week Four!

Ah - I did not get to writing as much as I had hoped to last week - internet issues at work are to blame. There is always downtime at my job, so it is frustrating when I can't make it productive.

John and I started our fourth week on our new health journey. And, there are some new challenges that have risen.

First - we now have John's folks living in the same house. We've been housesitting for them long term, and they are now home. We are still not sure if we are staying in this town much longer, but hopeful for a job change/move soon, so we feel it is temporary.

This is a challenge because we have had carefully planned meals, a pantry and fridge free from junk food, and a routine that is honoring to getting good sleep and exercise. I admit it is a bit of a struggle to have junk food in the house again - I have to squash old habits of allowing myself to have a treat whenever I want! Not the case anymore - much more thought is going into when I allow myself to splurge a little.

Also, every night I pack our lunches. I have started packing my mother-in-law's as well, as she really needs some encouragement in the healthy eating category. So far so good. She bought croissants to use as her sandwich bread (which John LOVES) but we are sticking to plain ole stone ground week - keeps us fuller, longer!

I am really proud of John. There is now a ton of soda in the house and he patiently waits for Friday nights to roll around for when he will enjoy his real sugar one.

SO! Week four is here. We still are doing our favorite basics: daily nonfat plain Greek yogurt with a fruit in it (blueberries today!), a daily boiled egg, almonds, and apples slices. Our breakfasts rotate but they are usually a whole grain and a protein combo. Dinner is one plate of food and is a protein and a vegetable. Good!

Tonight is a pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and pearl onions - slow cooking all day! I love crock pot dishes on Mondays because I am usually too tired from the busy weekend to, John and I eat dinner together at home on Mondays and Tuesdays, so it is nice to have more time with him.

We ran 10 miles yesterday! I am sure John will write about it - a true accomplishment. Great company, too :) Tonight is level II of 30 Day Shred. Pray for us!

Until tomorrow,